2tone rtty contesting software

Getting started on rtty introduction everyday more and more amateur radio operators are operating on the hf digital modes, in particular, rtty. The cq wpx rtty contest took place february 89, 2020. Enjoy rtty contesting with mmtty and wintest on xubuntu lts. Mmtty 2 tone rck rtty winwarbler mixw cocca rtty for mac rumped for mac more. Getting started in rtty contesting in icelandic by seli, tf3ao in powerpoint. If you can translate to other languages, please send an email to the contest director. It combines features of a terminal program with the features of a contest logging program. In this article we will look at how to get your station set up for rtty, what software to use, and some techniques for making the most of your operating experience. It may be helpful to read the release notes and help file for 2tone that are included in the zip file and can be found in c.

The 2tone rtty decoder by g3yyd has been upgraded with a new feature. Operating rtty since 2001 awardsdxccwaswaz rtty operationfsk typically so1v so2v software prejudicesd x4win for dxing n1mm logger for contesting mmtty and 2tone major rtty contest achievementsparticipated in many1st place in none station configuration one transceiver, one amplif ier, one tower a little pistol antennas. A fair amount of testing is done before a new release made available on the website. This is not intended to be an etched in stone indication of how to operate a rtty contest, so please dont. Rtty contesting the art of rtty sprinting part 2 in my last column, which appeared in the mayjune 2014 issue of ncj, i described the rtty sprint works and how certain operating conventions have developed among regular participants as they cooperate to make more contacts more accurately. I happen to use writelog for windows as my contest software, the ts890 works perfectly with the software configured as kenwood note that i cant get the ic7610 to talk to the software without changing its hex address to make it mimic another radio. Remote rtty contesting is 95% the same as onsite rtty contesting.

It is possible to set 2tone to use dook by manually editing the i file so that txmode1. As we are mainly addressing the beginner to rtty contesting little or no experience will be assumed in. You can download the latest version of 2tone here on thanks to david, g3yyd, for allowing this or from the n1mm logger digital yahoo. Entrants are expected to follow the rules and good amateur radio practices. No matter what that reason might be, it is the purpose of these pages to assist getting you started on rtty. K30mini front panel laptop with rtty and logging software, web browser remoterig modem internet to station 600. Playonlinux offers the benefit of installing unrelated windows programs on. Contest program for ham radio contesting events, list of contest software category is a curation of 68 web resources on, k2 logger, scrlog, bklog log book and contest program. This section assumes that you have used data modes either rtty, psk or others before and are thus familiar with the basics.

A presentation written in icelandic by seli, tf3ao. I can not find a version of the software for the rtty mode, i only found cw and phone modes available unless i missed something somewhere. This is part of the writelog screen for rtty contesting. About rtty contesting, a to z the resource is currently listed in in 2 categories. I have the full subscription package for the n3fjp aclog and contest operating software but seem to have run into a snag. It extends writelog such that the two together become a virtual contest in progress. This morning i noticed that the cq ww dx rtty contest is going on this weekend. When 2tone is selected in the main rttyrite window, there are three available options to key direct fsk. What is your favorite software for fsk rtty that supports windows 10, and why do you like it. N1mm logger plus supports the mmtty engine, mmvari, 2tone andor an external tnc for rtty contesting. A rtty tutorial for beginners iw5edi simone hamradio.

Also, if running fsk and using writelogs softwaregenerated or hardwaregenerated fsk option. Early 2tone versions superior in most w0yk contesting. It has telnet and rs232 outputs for logging and contest programs like n1mm logger. When the 2tone windows reopen, click setup on the 2tone control panel. This link is listed in our web site directory since friday feb 8 2019, and till today rtty contesting, a to z has been followed for a total of 257 times. For contesting i use mmtty as the encoder and i have three decoders running in parallel mmtty, g4yyd 2tone and gritty. Hamvention rtty contest forum remote rtty contesting. Rtty has become the defacto standard of the rtty contesting world rtty by wf1b incorporates many advanced features that create the ultimate contesting tool for novice and expert alike imagine seeing a. Since 2tone is being used for receiveonly, you do not have to configure the. This is the default configuration in most software that supports fsk keying. There are several reasons for wanting to be a rtty op.

Rtty and psk63, the only ones, currently, that are suitable for contest operation. Use hardware generated fsk when using a legacy com port to key fsk on txd transmit data pin on the rs232 port. Arrl rtty roundup this 2018 results year your by jeff stai. Jeff is now dominating the domestic rttys contests with his so6v single op, 6 vfos station setup and he is placing highly. They are winrtty hardware generated fsk, winrtty software generated fsk and 2tone. The final presentation of the program, set up for an rsgb cc contest in rtty. See mmtty and 2tone decoding the exact same signal under heavy qrm. Cq world wide rtty contest 2019 video showing the art of making contacts during a pileup duration.

Rtty receiving optimized rtty decoding to improve your contesting ed muns, w0yk. This article investigates the transmitted rtty spectrum using different modulation methods. An integral part of w7rn advancing the state of the art in radiosport is wk6is continual evolution of rtty contesting. Ook of the internal fsk tone generator in the radio, but rather has everything to do with spectrum usage in a crowded contest environment. Facilitates rtty operation entirely from the mouse. You may, if you wish, use 2tone in the main digital interface, but for the sake of simplicity, well concentrate on using mmtty in the main rtty window. More digital contesting the 20 cq wpx rtty contest.

Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the committee. Optionally, 2tone andor gritty can be set up in receiveonly windows. See the n1mm logger plus help files for the supported rtty and psk. The motivation has little to do with the timeless debate of which keying method is better soundcard driven afsk vs. We decided to move to the n1mm logger and the mmtty rtty decoder for this contest. The 2tone settings window will open as shown in figure 410. Brain cw and phone decodedby our brain rtty decoded by softwarehardware very difficult by brain. Ive archived a copy that i believe could be usefull for beginners. With soundcard rtty enabled, you can optionally enable g3yyds 2tone rtty demodulator to decode rtty in parallel with the mmtty engine.

The cq ww rtty dx contest committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries. This new feature is on by default and in operation and causes 2tone for look for strings of repeated characters that are at least 6 rtty characters surrounded by space characters. Before i choose a path, i wanted to ask users with experience using rtty, is the older mmtty still the best way to go, or are there other more up to date packages for fsk rtty. Many of the cabrillo format problems in submitted logs are from mixw users. Mmtty and 2tone can only be used for rtty, whereas fldigi supports a wide range of digital modes, most of which are not used for contesting. Pdf is located in the 2tone folder or can be accessed via the help menu on the 2tone window. Open writelog and select a rtty contest such as arrl rtty roundup or cqww rtty. The contest rules are available in multiple languages on the rules page. Advanced rtty contesting ed muns, w0yk advanced rtty contesting 1st ctu session. In each rtty contest i operate, i find about 810% new calls that ive not seen before. All of the rsgb data contests require contacts to be made in one or both of two modes. However, some of the information is not directly related to use with writelog.

Starting 2tone within rttyrite is a two step process. Even though ive been active on rtty for over 20 years, have won several rtty contests and have achieved rtty dxcc honor roll, i dont claim to have all the answers. The contest super simulator is a simulation package designed by wayne, w5xd and distributed by writelog contesting software, llc. My regular software digital engine caused me a day and 12 delay because it would not output serial numbers correctly so i had to do something to enter the contest. Anita ab1qb and fred ab1oc decided to enter the recent 20 cq wpx rtty contest in the multiop single transmitter, high power category. The software setup for other radios should be similar but the changes necessary to the radio itself could be very different. Rtty contests category is a curation of 11 web resources on, sartg new year rtty contest, bartg rtty contests, cq ww rtty.

There is a new dll for cq ww rtty that must be used. The main category is ham radio contests sites that is about ham radio contests sites. This was our first use of this software and we did some precontest setup and testing work using. However, mmtty is still required for transmitting rtty as 2tone does not transmit. I know some of you may be testing this out over this weekend in cqww rtty. Walk through all bands and make sure youre good on the lower bands before sunset. Id like to hear of any issues or successes using smartsdr v1. Mmtty 158np 979kb may work better on some older, non pentium computers. Rtty tutorial this document was originally posted by k4ww on but this domain has expired since some months at time writing. In my tests, i always installed over the older versions to date i have never had any problems. Sm3cer contest servicecontest software rtty by wf1b. Contest super simulator writelog contesting software.

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